09 juli 2010


I'm sorry, I'm such a bad blogger! I was on vacation in Wallonia, and it was hot. I've never drank so much water in my entire life. Seriously. Exept of the crazy cows on the picture below who tried to kill us, the heet and the killing hiking we did EVERY DAY, it was very pleasant.
On the two middle pictures you can see me an my cousins building a dam in a little river, and that was one of the greatest things I did this week! You can't see it very well on the pictures, but the water on the other side was at the end over two feet higher! And yes, I am very proud.

I'm going to be more into Bloggin' this vacation.. Though.. In a week I'm again on a vacation, this time to a little farm at sea. BUT I promise I won't let you guys down. Pinky-swear.

The DIY thingy is in progress, but slowly.. I already made a pare of stockings with a miumiu cat on it, so it looks like a tatoo! ^^ Haa, I heart them much.
Pictures will be there soon! (DIY)

Oh yeah, new haircut!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Zoë is AMAZIING ;o
    why do I have the feeling that the farm-vacation is going to be a little complicated? I'm with you in my mind ;D
    so so so. I love the new haircut but you allready knew that and... your smile's a little creepy x)
    love love love
