10 juli 2010


Today I went to the secondhand store (lately it has become my home) looking for some nice bags and belts, when I fell in love with these babies.

The first ones are radio sun-glasses. That's right, RADIO. How cool is that! I googled there brand (Looksound), but couldn't find anything that looked like sunglasses.. If you've ever heard of this brand, let me know!

And I'm so so soo happy with these ones! Vintage Fendis! *drooldrool*
I got thes two sun-glasses together for only €3.
Long live second hand (l)
Speaking of Fendi, their spring collection 2010 is absolutely adorable. I especially love the first outfit. And those shoes! *droolagain*

1 opmerking:

  1. so unfair!
    did you get them in the Krinkel? Because when I go there they NEVER have something interesting... Oh well, I am happy for you ;D
