As you may have noticed, I'm not such a good blogger.
In a couple days I have my first exam, history. Gonna be an eaz I think, as I have studied already everything you have to know for a test two days ago. Weird old historywoman.
Mostely because off the terrible cold wich freezes my fingers instantly, I have a new addiction: leather handgloves. I bought a nice dark blue pair. (in the right corner down below the photo)
A bookbag. Never heard of it before, but it looks cute, smart and awesome at the same time. As my theme for my art-class is now books and paper, this is a great thing to add. We have to make object wich you can realy use in real-life out of our material. First I was thinking about a dress, totaly made out of pages from a book. Maybe this is a more eazy and smaller project, but I'd love to make that dress wich I have in my mind. Help?
LINK will lead you directly to a DIY for the bookbagthing.
Meanwhile, I've found my camera again, being lonely in a dark corner of my room. The lens is totaly messed up and won't go open properly, so I'm driving crazy for the moment while I'm trying to force the damn thing to come out.
I'm thinking about posting some more pictures of my own outfits. Hoping that J. would like to be of any assistance.
History, here I come.
Try to catch me, I'm quicker than you'll ever be.